If you’re new to Chinese medicine it’s worth checking out our blog what are the five elements, before you read this post as it’ll give you an insight into what the elements do and why they’re important! Each of the five relates to a different part of the mind, body and the natural world and when they’re in balance your health is good.
The water element is one of the five elements. I just love talking about the water. It’s so significant in menopause, because it’s related to the root of life - both fertility and ageing. It’s particularly important as I write (December 2020) as it’s related to the season of winter.
From a physical perspective the water element is represented by the kidneys and the bladder. In Chinese Medicine these organs have slightly different manifestations & abilities than in other medical models and even have mental and emotional attributes.
Water is seen as the very basis of life itself and with age our ‘water’ dwindles as a natural part of growing older. This makes perfect sense to many of us going through peri/menopause, as dryness can become really problematic, as our hair, nails, skin and vaginal mucus lose moisture.
How can you tell if your water element needs some love?
· Got issues with your bones?
· Back or knee pain?
· Feeling stiff?
· Weeing too much (especially at night) or too little?
· Problems with your head hair?
· Suffering with dryness?
· Feeling hot?
· Craving salt?
· Lost your libido?
If you answered yes to one or more then chances are your water needs some love. Here’s a few brief, really doable tips;
Drink water
little and often, warm is better for you
Reduce stress
what one thing can you not do today to give you time
Choose restorative exercise
calming yoga or pilates
it’s free. Do it slowly and consciously
Slow down
it’s ok, your safe no sabre tooth tigers here.
Picture Credit: Levi Bare
About Jo Darling MBAcC Lic Acu
Jo is a Brighton-based Acupuncturist with a Bachelor of Science degree in Acupuncture from the University of Greenwich. Her training includes western medicine pathology, physiology and anatomy. She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council.
Jo is passionate about women’s health. She has helped 100’s of women live healthier, happier lives. She has spent over 10 years practicing acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology and Chinese herbs.
As well as fertility, pregnancy and natural menopause Jo specialises in the treatment of breast cancer patients particularly those thrown into early menopause by chemotherapy. This work inspired Menopoised.
For more information about her work visit her website.
About Menopoised
We understand the challenges of menopause because we are menopausal. That’s why we created Menopoised. The Menopoised Menopause Magnet is a first of their kind, acupuncture inspired, safe, effective and side-effect free. Our products have been created to support a broad spectrum of issues, designed to help guide women through a positive menopause.
How Can Help You?
If you’re suffering with hot flushes and night sweats, we can help. When we trialled our heroine product, the Menopoised Menopause Magnet, over 80% of our participants experienced a reduction in the intensity and frequency of their hot flushes and night sweats within a week of use. Read about our research here.
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