Mindful Bliss for Menopause. Stop everything you’re doing and be.

Mindful Bliss for Menopause. Stop everything you’re doing and be.

As Master Oogway says in Kung Fu Panda “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift... that's why they call it present

Mindfulness is today, it’s right now, it’s being present in the moment. Stopping what you’re doing and being aware of you.

You can be mindful at any time. When you walk, while you eat it’s a matter of being attentive to yourself, your emotions and your body. Mind. Body. Spirit.

I’ve always wrestled with stillness, it just doesn’t come naturally to me but, as I age I know it’s what my mind and body need. And, when it really happens that moment is utter bliss. It doesn’t happen often but the fact that it has gives me hope that, if I continue, I’ll improve and reap the rewards.

There are many ways to use the breath for our well-being, Qi Gong, Yoga both brilliant and mindfulness is really part of those practises. It can also be a meditative state all of it’s own but don’t let that put you off!

I’m no expert, so I’m delighted to have Nina Rashid, one of the voices on the awesome Clarityapp, joined me for on an Instagram live (Monday 8th February at 2pm) and forever after on the @menopoised grid.

Nina is an experienced yoga and meditation teacher. As a breast cancer survivor (8 years clear) Nina found yoga and meditation practice helped immensely. She now support 1000’s of women online, many going through the same issues that she experienced

Clarity app is an awesome mindfulness space, with sessions specifically created for menopausal women. If you’re suffering with specific such as insomnia or anxiety you’ll find something taylor made for you.

Becks, the creator of Clarityapp says

“Mindfulness teaches you to calmly observe how you’re thinking and feeling in a non-judgemental way. By becoming more aware of your symptoms, you can allow yourself to accept them rather than wasting precious energy wishing things were different.

With practice, you become able to ‘befriend’ your symptoms, learning how to experience them in the present moment. And this makes them far less stressful.”

About Clarity App

The Clarity app features specific content and mindfulness practices for situations that may arise in menopause like hot flushes, sleeplessness, night sweats and improving a low libido. Such exercises improve the quality of life for users – from better mental health, relationships to performance in the workplace.

Their mission is to improve the lives of women – one calming breath at a time.

You can read more about Nina Rashid on her website here.

About Jo Darling MBAcC Lic Acu

Jo is a Brighton-based Acupuncturist with a Bachelor of Science degree in Acupuncture from the University of Greenwich. Her training includes western medicine pathology, physiology and anatomy. She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council.

Jo is passionate about women’s health. She has helped 100’s of women live healthier, happier lives. She has spent over 10 years practicing acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology and Chinese herbs.

As well as fertility, pregnancy and natural menopause Jo specialises in the treatment of breast cancer patients particularly those thrown into early menopause by chemotherapy. This work inspired Menopoised.

For more information about her work visit her website.

About Menopoised

We understand the challenges of menopause because we are menopausal. That’s why we created Menopoised. The Menopoised Menopause Magnet is a first of their kind, acupuncture inspired, safe, effective and side-effect free. Our products have been created to support a broad spectrum of issues, designed to help guide women through a positive menopause.

How Can Help You?

If you’re suffering with hot flushes and night sweats, we can help. When we trialled our heroine product, the Menopoised Menopause Magnet, over 80% of our participants experienced a reduction in the intensity and frequency of their hot flushes and night sweats within a week of use. Read about our research here.

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